Slay Your Selfies

Online course with live interaction, community support, and direct access to a high-end brand photographer

Hey, fellow businesswoman: do you want to attract more and better-paying clients? Then, stop hiding behind your laptop!

It’s YOUR time to become the face of your brand and show up as the go-to expert you are 🤩 How?

Follow the 5-step method of a professional photographer (me) to plan, take and share your own high-quality brand photoswithout cringing, wasting time or needing fancy equipment.

Even if you THINK you’re not photogenic (because I’ll help you overcome that, too).

Ready to get visible to your dream clients on social media in 5 weeks?
Brand photographer Rosie Parsons stands against her desk smiling holding a cup of tea with a yellow mug. In the background is her workspace with a bright lemon print wallpaper, computer and plants. She wears a yellow jumper and looks happy and approachable.

Your clients need to see high-quality photos of you. Regularly. But you’re not posting them

There’s a lot of noise on social media. To reach more clients and grow your business, you need to cut right through it.

And I know it scares you right now, but… you can’t do that if you never show your face!

People connect with people, not impersonal logos (or *cough cough* the same stock images your competitors are using)

● LinkedIn posts with photos get a 2x higher comment rate

● Photos with faces perform 40% better on Instagram

Fresh and high-quality photos meet your dream clients for you, inspire a connection, and build trust

Buuuut you haven’t been taking and posting these photos, have you? 🫣

Instead, you’re doing one—or a mix—of the following:

  • Reusing old brand photoshoots


    But your audience has already seen those photos so many times. By now, they’ve become white noise.

    And let’s face it: they’re outdated. I mean, your hair doesn’t even look like that anymore, does it?

  • Posting low-quality selfies

    You know the kind: with awkward smiles, darker than film noir, and all looking exactly the same (just with different clothes).

    But these selfies don’t show you as the thought leader you are: they position you as an amateur!

    So, they attract clients who see you (and treat you) as one

  • Nothing (tumbleweed)

    Need I remind you that your audience is exposed to 6,000-10,000 marketing messages every day?

    And yet, except for your profile photo, your socials are a faceless sea of stock images and text-only posts.

    Err, good luck standing out!

This is all making it HARDER for premium clients to notice and remember you, or… downright putting them off (and sending them to your competitors instead).

So, it’s literally costing you sales and money! 💸

You know it’s time to share new brand photos with your posts. But...

❌ Let's face it. Booking professional top-up shoots every few months is EXPENSIVE

❌ You just don’t know how to take high-quality brand photos on your own...

“How can I get the right angle?”

“Why does the lighting always look off?”

*gestures around* what the HECK am I supposed to do with my hands?”

❌ Frankly? Saying you’re camera-shy is an understatement.

You’d rather chew your arm off than take and post new pictures
A caucasian businesswoman sits on her teal velvet couch holding a cup of coffee and smiling, she wears a red jumper and looks warm and approachable
And whenever you tried to take your own photos:

😫You waited for the magical moment when you could feel ‘camera ready’—but it never came

😫So, you pushed through it and took a few random snaps, hoping they looked like the shiny ones that your competitors and peers are posting

😫Maybe you even ended up wasting countless hours and messing up your entire workday

😫You absolutely HATED the final results: you looked awkward and stiff, and the photos lacked your usual personality (and where did that double chin and wonky smile come from?!)

So, you didn’t even post them, and now you’re 100% sure you’re not photogenic.

Ok, before you even THINK about retreating behind your laptop and logo again, listen to me very carefully:

IT’S👏 NOT👏 JUST 👏YOU 👏 And it’s not your fault, either.

Most of my clients and students used to feel that way.

But it’s simply because they—and you—were approaching these photos from the wrong angle (pun intended) and were never taught how to take them.

Well, let’s change that, shall we?

With Slay Your Selfies, we’re going to take the dread out of taking photos—and replace it with confidence, excitement and a step-by-step plan.
woman crying and tearing her hair out

What my clients and students are saying

“Such a useful, practical and informative course, an essential for any small business owner 👏👏”

Tracey Clay - Pivotal Recruit

“I couldn’t recommend Rosie more highly and I can’t wait to work with her again!! ”

Lea Turner, LinkedIn Trainer

“If you want photos that stand out from the crowd, definitely work with Rosie, you won't regret it.”

Aggie Meroni, Ads Strategist

“Rosie is truly fabulous. If you are looking for professional photographs that represent your personality, then Rosie will exceed your expectations. She gently encourages even the most camera shy amongst us to shine. ”

Viv Bowra, Consultant

“Rosie's skill to put me at my ease meant I felt confident in front of the camera and that showed in the results.”

Lisa Woakes, Creative Consultant

“I've only ever had formal, stuffy corporate headshots taken before, this is a game changer. I've had so many messages about my new photos!”

Sarah Burgess, LinkedIn Career Coach

“I highly recommend this course with Rosie. You will learn so much. I loved it.”

Charya Hilton, life coach and hypnotherapist

Steal a premium photographer’s method to take SCROLL-STOPPING brand photos quickly and easily—using your phone*

*For real! As long as you're happy with the quality of your front camera photos, you're good to go

I created Slay Your Selfies (my online course with real-time support, direct access and unlimited feedback) for businesswomen like you: confident, unstoppable and ready to stand out… except when cameras are involved 😱

So, I’ll take you…

😫 from feeling unphotogenic and avoiding photos at all costs

😎 to shooting your own professional-looking brand photos and becoming visible to your dream clients—and actually feeling confident when you share them—in just 5 weeks

How? By guiding you through my 5-step signature method.

The same process I use for my £2,000-£5,000 shoots with clients as a premium brand photographerbut simplified, so that you can do that on your own and without fancy equipment.

That way, you won’t have to pay for a new shoot every single time you run out of photos for your social media content (pheeeew).

Instead, you’ll become a pro at planning, taking and sharing high-quality photos for your business and personal brand—quickly and confidently.

By the way, when I say “Slay Your Selfies”...

I don’t mean THIS!

Put those arms down. It’s not 2012, and we’re not here to duckface on Instagram
woman posing with a typical duckface selfie holding the phone up and pouting the lips

Now, THAT’S what we’re talking about 🤩

= premium self-portraits that AMPLIFY your brand and look like a professional photoshoot

And just so we’re clear: to take these premium photos…

You DON’T need

❌ The expensive gear that’s recommended in most courses (not even a ring light)

❌ Experience with taking photos

❌ Filters

❌ To lose a few pounds, ‘look better’ or wait until you feel ready

You only need

✅ Your phone* and a tripod (psst: only £10-£50 on Amazon) *if you like the quality of your front camera photos, it’ll be PERFECT for your new selfies!

✅ A time-saving, repeatable process and a high-end photographer’s secrets and support

✅ Quick and easy editing tips

✅ Your authentic self and personality—because it’s gonna be FUN 🥳
Photographer Rosie Parsons sits at her desk working on her laptop with a bright yellow jumper on and colourful lemon wallpaper in the background

“I'm totally camera-shy and nervous to be in front of the camera. Rosie is such a professional and gives plenty of tips on how to pose so that she really gets the best out of her subject. ”

Kelly Kemp, Website and Business Tech Support

“Rosie takes time to understand your needs and wants, and genuinely cares about making sure you’ve got what you need for your brand and business.”

Lara Cullen, Leadership Coach

“Such a great, positive experience! Who likes having their photo taken? Not me, but Rosie made it fun and easy.”

Tracey Brady, Company Secretarial & Global Entity Management at KPMG

“I usually hate having my photo taken, but Rosie made the whole process easy and fun.”

Katie Wilson, Freelance Journalist

As seen on

“Who’s this professional brand photographer you keep talking about?”

It’s me (*waving from my cosy studio in the South-West of England*).

I’m Rosie Parsons, an award-winning photographer with +15 years of experience. And guess what? I specialise in personal brand photos for female entrepreneurs.

Not to brag, but... have you seen fellow businesswomen show up with bold photos and monochrome backgrounds? The chances are, it was me who took them 🤫

I’ve also been making photography simple for +9000 beginners through my other online courses (with a whopping 4.8/5 rating).

Now, I’m giving you the blueprint to taking your own high-quality brand photos confidently—even if you DREAD being in front of the camera, and other resources didn’t work for you.

And (together with the other businesswomen who’re signing up at your same time or who’ve taken the course before you) I’ll be there to support you, answer your questions, and give you feedback whenever you wish.

Because, as much as I’d love to see you in my studio whenever you need a top-up shoot, I know it’s not sustainable for everyone.

😫 “But Rosie... ...I’m just NOT photogenic, and I hate how I look in photos!”

Being photogenic isn’t something you’re either born with or without: it’s a skill!

I mean, do you think celebrities and high-profile entrepreneurs have it in their DNA? Every single one of them? Nope.

They’ve learned how to look good on camera after being directed by professional photographers. I should know: I’ve taken part in quite a few celebrity shoots back in the day.

📢 And trust me: you don’t need to lose weight or wait until you deem yourself camera-worthy.

Because YOU are your worst critic. NOBODY will be over-analysing your brand photos (pinky promise). Instead, your dream clients will see them and think, “Wow, she looks really approachable and professional! I’d love to work with her.”

Still, fret not: You will need to step outside your comfort zone (that’s where the magic happens) but I wouldn't want you to share photos you loathe or where you look all stiff and awkward.

So, Slay Your Selfies will also show you exactly how to find the most flattering light and angles, looking spontaneous and like your BEST self. Oh, and to actually enjoy the process, too!

... people will think I’m VAIN for sharing self-portraits!”

Be honest: when you see other businesswomen post brand photos on social media, do you say “Who does she think she is?” or “What a diva”?

No? Thought so. Neither will your audience.

I’m not here to teach you how to take pretty photos of yourself for a dating app or your personal accounts (not that there’s anything wrong with that! It’s just NOT the focus of this course).

You’ll master professional-looking brand photos to promote your business.

The kind that other founders and entrepreneurs are already sharing. Photos that’ll help you get more and better-paying clients.

So, how about we replace that “vain” with “strategic and smart”? 😉

... I’m not good with tech!”

Neither am I, cameras aside. But you won’t even need one (“Pheeew”).

I’ll show you how to use your current phone camera to the fullest and edit your photos quickly and easily.

And if you ever have questions or could do with some setting recommendations, you’re always welcome to ask me.

... I don’t have time to do full hair and makeup before my daily posts!”

I mean, who does?!

Slay Your Selfies is a course for businesswomen looking to show up as the go-to expert in their field. So, I know you’re all busy.

And that’s why, with my signature method, you’ll be batching your photos.

How does “3 months worth of content in one day” sound? 😉

Get ready to Slay Your Selfies—and become visible to your dream client

with the help of a professional photographer and the support of your new community

Raise your hand if you’ve bought an online course before, got overwhelmed and never finished it (#guilty). Well, none of that here!

I’ve created the perfect 5-week course for busy businesswomen like you:

• Broken down into bite-sized chunks, and with a new module being released every 7 days

• Engaging, easy to follow and with the kind of content and videos that’ll make you feel BUZZING to put each task into practice

• With direct access to me for questions and feedback

• With a Facebook community for both support and accountability ( (that’s right! You’ll get to interact with the female leaders who’ve already completed the course or are taking it at your same time)

• With lifetime access. That way, you can go back to your favourite modules whenever you wish and even keep engaging or getting feedback from me and your new community

I mean, HOW. COOL. IS. THAT?! 🤩 And as for its content…

Slay Your Selfies is a step-by-step guide that’ll show you exactly how to...

  • Plan your brand photos...

    Psst: this will make the actual shoot faster and effective.

    Because it’s not about taking random selfies!

    You need the right high-quality photos for your brand and goals

  • take them...

    No need to feel icky or downright terrified!

    In my studio, I always manage to make the most camera-shy women have the shoot of a lifetime.

    So, I’ll give you all the tips to feel relaxed and even have fun—including my game-changing trick to grab lots of spontaneous shots without overthinking it

    (psst: several students said it’s worth the ENTIRE price of the course on its own)

  • ... and share them confidently

    I don’t want you to cringe whenever you’re about to post your new photos.

    First of all: you’ll be OBSESSED with these ones!

    And second: I won’t just give you ideas to share your photos strategically on social media.

    I’ll help you build up your confidence, too (both through the course material and by supporting you whenever you need it)

All easily explained for business owners who are not brand photographers—but following the method of a professional, for stellar results 🌟

And here’s what’s possible (taken by students who used to feel just as awkward and camera-shy as you):

What’s included in Slay Your Selfies?

Well, I can’t give all my secrets away just yet, but here’s a little sneak peek:

  • Intro: I want you to start on the right foot and set yourself up for success! So, before snapping the first photos, we’ll focus on a strong brand strategy, foundations and mindset

  • Week 1 - Introducing your phone camera
    Unlocking the possibilities of the camera that’s already in your pocket (so that you can master it like a pro!)

  • Week 2 - Finding amazing locations
    Exactly what to look for (and what to avoid) when planning your photo backgrounds

  • Week 3 - Finding beautiful light
    And no: you won’t even need a ring light! I’ll show you how to find the most flattering natural light (indoors and outdoors) to create flawless self-portraits

  • Week 4 - Perfecting your natural posing
    Time to strike those poses—naturally, confidently and without double chins or odd angles (including the secret trick that my students described as “bloody genius” and “worth the entire price of the course on its own”)

  • Week 5 - Giving your photos impact through composition
    Simple tips to make your brand photos even MORE attention-grabbing

Facebook Group

● Join an empowering community of fellow Selfie Slayers (= other businesswomen in your same situation who’re also going through the course or have already completed it). Yes, most people stick around for long after those 5 weeks: that’s how much we LOVE inspiring and helping each other!

● Get both support and accountability

● Receive feedback on your photos whenever you want to

● Selfie challenges and prizes to keep you motivated and excited

Network, make friendships, and get in a virtual room with other high-achievers (who knows, you might even find new clients and opportunities in there!)

● Get direct access to a premium brand photographer (me), and ask me any question you have. I’m here to support you and see you succeed!

Rosie sits in a cafe with her laptop smiling at the camera


● What to wear to look good on camera

● Makeup Masterclass (with my studio makeup artist!)

● Beginner’s guide to photo editing (iPhone & Android)
Yep. If you were to book a professional top-up shoot (at least £500, on average) every time you need fresh and seasonal photos? You’d be looking at £2000 a year. And what about the next? And the next again? 😵‍💫

Instead, with a one-off investment of only £345, you’ll get to reuse the signature process of a high-end photographer whenever you need new shots—and literally save THOUSANDS by taking your own, UNLIMITED brand photos.

A real bargain, if I say so myself 💅

Payment plan available: £125/pm over 3 months

What people are saying

“The group is great and supportive. The course teaches you what kit you need and how to master improving your photos without the need of a personal photographer. Just do it! Rosie is amazing.”

Anne Marshall

“Rosie is a total expert in her field. She has this real ability to put you at ease - no matter how awkward you feel.”

Kate Hughes, Leadership Development Coach

“Rosie is a natural at making you feel comfortable in front of the camera, and she has a knack of capturing the 'real you' in natural, spontaneous and relaxed shots. Her extensive preparation and attention to the finer detail makes all the difference to the final outcome.”

Chantelle Znideric, Personal Stylist

“Rosie is a master when it comes to photography, but also when it comes to putting you at ease and creating a beautiful atmosphere.
I tend to feel awkward in front of the camera but Rosie gives very clear and positive direction that makes it a fun experience.
I now have amazing professional photos that I am confident to use on my website and in other media. They truly reflect me and my business.”

Kira de Broglio Shaw, Social Media Marketing

To make sure we’re on the same page, Slay Your Selfies is NOT for you if:

  • You're happy to pay a brand photographer every single time you need new brand photos

  • You're fine with lurking in the social media shadows, and you don't want to become the face of your brand (and grow it)

But it's totally for you if:

  • You’re a businesswoman ready to show up and be seen as the go-to expert you already are

  • You want to attract more and higher-paying clients

  • You look forward to elevating your social media presence and becoming visible to premium clients

  • You don’t know how to take high-quality brand photos on your own (yet)

  • You feel awkward in front of the camera but are excited to change that (with the help of a professional photographer and the support of your new community)) and to have some FUN 💃🏻

FAQs on Slay Your Selfies

  • I haven’t got a camera. Will I need to buy expensive equipment?

    Nope. You’ll be using your phone to take photos.

    As long as you’re happy with the quality of your front camera? It’s good enough (yay!).

    The only thing you might need to purchase is a phone tripod (I mean… $10-$50 on Amazon!)

  • Does this mean I should never book a professional shoot?

    No. I still recommend getting (or reusing) professional shots for your evergreen marketing materials, like your website hero photo and social media profile pictures.

    With Slay Your Selfies, you’ll take new brand photos that COMPLEMENT them.

    Think high-quality images of you working, pointing to the side (perhaps for a carousel post), looking excited for a launch, and so on. Basically, the photos you must share with your social media content regularly.

    So, that does mean you won’t have to pay for new top-up shoots whenever you need fresh ones (and you’ll save thousands of moolah).

  • I’m not a business owner. Can Slay Your Selfies benefit me, too?

    You’ll still benefit from Slay Your Selfies IF:

    ● You’re a thought leader in your field, even if you work for someone else

    ● You’re building your personal brand, whether that’s to start your own business soon or climb the corporate ladder (go, you!)

  • What’s your refund policy?

    I want you to LOVE this course (and I’m certain you will)!

    But since it’s a premium option with direct access to me and an exclusive community, it’s also important that you’re committed to doing the work.

    So, if you show me that you’ve completed Slay Your Selfies and are not happy with the results (before the end of the 5th week), I’ll offer you a full refund.

    Basically, you’ve got nothing to lose! Only a tonne of confidence and visibility to gain.

  • How much time do I need to set aside?

    Only 2 hours a week! Around 30 minutes to watch the new content (which gets released every 7 days), and some time to put it into practice.

    Then, once you’ve completed the course and mastered how to plan and take your own self-portraits? You can expect to batch 3 months' worth of content in one day.

  • And how long have I got to complete it?

    To stay accountable and get the very MOST out of your investment, I recommend completing Slay Your Selfies in real time.

    Each module gets released every 7 days over the course of 5 weeks. So, if you follow that pace, it’ll be a breeze to commit to it and put your learnings into practice steadily (while also getting answers and feedback from me and the other businesswomen in the group).

    But if life gets in the way or you want to go through some steps again? Don't worry: you’ll get lifetime access

“I've really enjoyed this course. I love the 'short, sharp bursts' of video which didn't make it overwhelming.

All of the advice was practical, easy to understand and most importantly easy to apply! It has given me a lot to think about when taking selfies for my business and not to use the same pictures over and over again.

Your secret trick has been one of the biggest learnings I've taken away from this course and has given me much more natural looking selfies! Thanks so much Rosie!”

Harmesch Kaur - Life Coach and Author

“Your course has done wonders for my selfies and actually my photography.

I loved doing the graffiti shoot and never would have thought of it otherwise.

I’ve told lots of people about your course too.”

Rebecca Seeley Harris - Re: Legal Consulting Limited

Picture this:

🤩 You keep attracting high-paying clients who see you as the go-to expert in your industry—and who feel a connection right from the beginning

🤩 You’re finally standing out on social media

🤩 You have a folder of photographer-style images that capture your brand identity and showcase your authentic personality

🤩 You’ve mastered a simple process to shoot a new batch whenever you need fresh images. You can take UNLIMITED brand photos for life!

🤩 You know exactly how to use them creatively and strategically: your visual content creation is now easy peasy

🤩 You’ve become the face of your business—and actually feel CONFIDENT whenever you show up and promote it

If you take action now, this can be YOUR reality in only 5 weeks!

Go from ‘camera-shy’ to ‘the confident face of your brand’

I just know you didn’t start your business to hide in the background. You’re here to make an actual impact, aren’t you? That’s why you DESERVE to be seen as a thought leader and attract higher-paying clients more easily.

So, start taking and sharing photos that’ll allow you to stand out and do all that!

The support and time-saving step-by-step method of a high-end photographer

+ your phone and personality

= An endless supply of brand photos that make you impossible to ignore and forget 😎

£345 One-off payment